iCon X3

Multi Spray Pump

The Multispray version of the Anest Iwata Icon X-3 series
with a new cart frame


An advantageous and mixed equipment composed by the iCon PUMP with the Cart Frame or Wall Mount, an High Pressure Twin Hose and the Multi Spray Gun MSGS-200 EVO.

Easy to transport; a compact filter but at the same time with a 30:1 ratio to work with the most viscous paints.

A new carte frame support the pumps and it can work both with suction hose or the hopper.

Features & Highlights

17 Easy Maintenance 3 Easy Maintenance
25 Stainless Steel 3 Stainless Steel
26 Double Action Pilot Valve Double Action Pilot Valve

Find Your Spare Parts

Air Regulator Set Air Motor Set Paint Filter Set Plunger Pump Set Fluid Pump Set Cart Frame Set Suction Hose Set
Air RegulatorUI00070001 Air RegulatorUI00070001 Panel (For Cart Frame Version)940156A0 Plate For Air Regulator (For Wall Mount Version)UL00005201 Hex. Nut M4UL300700 L-JointUL300201 NippleUL300101 Ball Valve With Exhaust HoleUL30034901 “L” Quick Coupling UL300309 Special Nipple R1/4” - G1/4”UL30010501 Pressure Gauge (Bar - Psi)02004003 Pressure Gauge (Bar - Psi)02004003 Bolt With Hex. Hole M4x5506350455 T-JointUL300303
Pilot Valve Set940073A0 Pilot Valve Cap940007A0 O-Ring Ø 1.5-13.596997009 Pilot Valve Spring940006A0 Pilot Valve Shaft940005A0 O-Ring Ø 1.5-3.596997012 O-Ring Ø 1.5-3.596997012 Seeger 18960000A0 Metal940002A0 Bottom Module940001A0 U-Packing960001A0 Seeger 24960002A0 O-Ring Ø 5.33-89.69 960004A0 Piston Rod Set940065A0 Piston Rod940159A0 O-Ring Ø 1.5-6 960052A0 Washer06363080 Air Piston940004A0 O-Ring Ø 5.33-89.69 960004A0 Washer06363080 Self Locking Hex. Nut960003A0 Cylinder940008A0 O-Ring Ø 5.33-89.69 960004A0 Head Module940010A0 Hex. Socket Bolt M6x120960006A0 Muffler960010A0 Hex. Socket Bolt M5x2596350525 Hex. Socket Bolt M5x2596350525 Air Operating Valve940174A0 Exhaust Filter04447820 Elbow UnionUL300309 T-JointUL30030000 Safety ValveUL30036000 O-Ring Ø 2.62-15.54060008A0 O-Ring Ø 2.62-15.54060008A0 O-Ring Ø 1.78-7.65 060031A0
Filter Body940053A0 Filter 100 MeshVFM2704 Cylinder940054A0 Washer940055A0 Filter Spring940056A0 O-Ring 3.53-32.92960021A0 Swivel Joint R1/4”M - G1/4”F96859022 Joint G1/4” - R1/4”UL300462 Drain ValveUL30090100 Hose JointUL300302
Packing Holder940031A0 O-Ring 2.0-29.5960011A0 Flange940112A0 V-Packing Female Adaptor (Upper)940126A0 V-Packing Set (Upper) (3 Pe + 2 Ptfe)940069A0 V-Packing Male Adaptor (Upper)940123A0 Multi Wave Spring940122A0 Spring Holder (Upper)940121A0 Suction Tube940015A0 Fluid Output Joint940032A0 Suction Rod940166A0 Spring Holder (Lower)940127A0 Nested Spring940128A0 V-Packing Male Adaptor (Lower)940129A0 V-Packing Set (Lower) (3 Pe + 2 Ptfe)940070A0 V-Packing Female Adaptor (Lower)940132A0 Ball 5/16"06662025 Valve Holder940021A0 Seeger 20960014A0 Valve Holder Packing04944770 Ball 5/8"06662050 O-Ring 3.53-23.39960015A0 Valve Adaptor940033A0
Air motor940000A0 Connecting rod940036A0 Coupling kit940193A0 Rod cover left940093A0 Rod cover right940094A0 Fluid pump set 940014A0 Hex. Socket flange bolt m5x12 960047A0 Screws & washers set (3+3+3 pcs.)940170A0
Cart Frame Structure940113A0 Screws, Nuts & Washer Set (4+4+8 Pcs.)940169A0 Split PinUL300811 WheelUL200001 Rubber Cap960019A0 Wall Mount Support940192A0 Connection Element940089A0
Complete Cover SetUL10000701 Filter 50 Mesh40720100 Filter Stopper407203